It is created as main organs of OPADD:
    • A General Assembly,
    • An Economic and Social Council,
    • A Secretariat.
    Subsidiary organs that may prove necessary may be established accordingly.
    No restrictions shall be imposed by the Organisation on the equal access of men and women to all functions in its principal and subsidiary organs.


    The General Assembly is the representative and decision - making body of OPADD in which all Members have the same power: a common organisation, vision, voice and purpose.
    Decisions on important topics such as the allocation of funds for a particular project, the admission of new members and budgetary issues are made at the General Assembly as well as other decisions on other topics.
    All Members meet once a year in a selected country where OPADD has a representative.
    The General Assembly has its own rules of procedure and elects a president and 15 vice-presidents.


    The Economic and Social Council is composed of OPADD Members elected by the General Assembly.

    The President of the Economic and Social Council is appointed by the General Assembly.

    The Vice President of the Economic and Social Council is appointed by the General Assembly.

    The members of the Economic and Social Council are elected each year for a period of three years. Outgoing members are immediately re-eligible.

    The Economic and Social Council may undertake or cause studies and reports on international issues such as the economic, social, intellectual culture and education, public health and other related fields and may make recommendations on any matter to the General Assembly, the Members of the Organization and the specialized agencies concerned.

    It may, on matters within its competence, prepare draft conventions and partnership for submission to the General Assembly. It may convene, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Organization, international conferences on matters within its competence.

    The Economic and Social Council may conclude with any institution agreements establishing the conditions under which that institution shall be connected with the Organization. These agreements are subject to the approval of the General Assembly.

    The Economic and Social Council, in carrying out the recommendations of the General Assembly, performs all the functions falling within its competence.

    It may, with the approval of the General Assembly, render such services as may be requested by Members of the Organization or by specialized agencies.

    It performs the other functions assigned to it and which may be assigned to it by the General Assembly.

    Decisions of the Economic and Social Council are made by a majority of the members present.

    The Economic and Social Council may make all necessary arrangements for consulting non-governmental organizations dealing with matters within its competence.

    These provisions may apply to international organizations and, where appropriate, to national and regional organizations.


    The Secretariat includes a Secretary General and the staff that the OPADD may require.
    The Secretary General is appointed by the General Assembly.

    The Secretary General acts in that capacity at all meetings of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. He fulfills all the other functions with which he is charged by these organs. He submits to the General Assembly an annual report on the work of the Organization.

    The Secretary-General may draw the attention of the General Assembly to any matter which, in his opinion, could adversely affect the functioning and objectives of the OPADD.

    Staff are appointed by the Secretary-General in accordance with the rules established by the General Assembly.

    Special staff are permanently assigned to the Economic and Social Council and, where appropriate, to other organs of the Organization. This staff is part of the Secretariat.

    The paramount consideration in the recruitment and determination of the conditions of service of the staff must be the need to ensure the Organization's services of persons of the highest standards of work, competence and integrity. Due regard will be given to the importance of recruiting on a wide geographical scale as possible.